Monday, January 24, 2011

life from different perspectives

You know when someone goes to a movie , everyone in the theatre will have some opinion about it . One may think its as a useless movie , one may try and relate himself with it and one may like the story and many other things. Life also is like a movie only . One may think it’s useless , one may try and explore life one may like to remember some of the amasing moments in their life while regret some of the most unhappy things.When I was growing up I always thought about how people form opinions , their likes and dislikes. Ad it took me sometime to decide for myself , as in what I feel. Always I went for things which were like there in the society . I didn’t think much before wanting anything . Result , I ended up getting what I feel was bad . Impatience may be that some people might think . I on the other hand think it was the unwillingness on my part to not think for myself. Anyways I grew older and now I can decide about my opinions but then there are elements outside that do shape your thinking. For example listening to so much of rock music has made me a guy who will always question every rule. And it is because that is what people say abut rock music. This can also be attributed to what I perceive of the genre of the music. This is all nothing but a clash of opinions in your mind. You are thinking about something and with passage of sometime you realize that these all will help build you anopinion about it . right now as I am typing I forminganopinion and there are factors that will lead me to it . It sounds really confusing but then that’s the trick . The confusion will help you to form you own opinions .

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