Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Black versus White

It was a fine day,they say.
Each in his very own way,
Looking down this hole
Zero , an empty soul.

To everyone it was clearer
About which one is dearer,
Some wondered about the bright
Some basked in the glory of light.

So, then the battle begun
To choose the chosen one.
In his mind he was right
The other one had sight.

Sigh , did the powers up in heaven.
Did the number increase from seven?

He thought he did lack.
He thought he lost his sight.
After all black is black and
White was unfortunately always white.


Sameer said...

Dude - this is awesome !! I loved it. Let's compose when you're back.

samarth said...

seriously? call this the modern warfare effect :P / was about to call u and speak to u . but then thoug ahh its late :P

soumya mukerji said...

there's always grey!

Samarth Goyal said...

soumya-exactky my point .. different shades ..